

The Madness of Knowledge: Q & A. An interview with Imke van Heerden for the CRASSH Blog, 13th May 2019.

Exopistemology: On Knowing Without a Knower. A lecture given on 23rd May 2018 at the Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie (IKKM), Weimar. [pdf] [video]

Stupid Shame. A talk given at the Vulnerability Seminar, University College London Institute of Advanced Studies, 17th January 2018. [pdf] [listen]

The Madness of Knowledge. A prospectus written in July 2017 for the work I proposed to do for my book The Madness of Knowledge (London: Reaktion, 2018).

Modern Epistemopathies. A paper given at the 20th-Century Research Seminar, University of East Anglia, 11th October 2017. [pdf]

@: Places of Learning. A talk given at the Excavating Media conference, University of Cambridge, 1st July 2017. [pdf]

Dying to Know. [pdf] 14th January 2017.

Thinking About Knowing. A podcast for the British Academy, recorded 21st December 2016. [mp3]